October field trip Sunday 19th October – We will be discovering another urban treasure, this time in the Hermit Park/South Townsville area.
A brighter future for the tropics – Monday 13th October 3pm-6pm. JCU students Alexandra Mulianey and Jessica Wilson, who are majoring in geography and environmental studies respectively, will present a white paper exploring the importance of conservation in achieving a brighter future for the tropics. It is happening in Learning Room 2 in the Mabo Library, James Cook University.
Turtle stranding workshop – Tuesday 14th October 9am-3pm. The Sea Turtle Foundation is conducting training for anyone wanting to be involved in responding to sea turtle strandings in our region. The workshop is FREE and will be held as above at the Community Centre, 2 Shannon Street, Oonoonba. To find out more email Julie Traweek or phone 4721 2699, mobile 0431259129.
November field trip: Ross River Dam cruise – Saturday 22nd November, 8.30-11am. We will be finishing the year with a repeat of our enjoyable 2012 cruise of Ross River Dam – read about that trip here. The trip lasts for 2.5 hours and the cost, including morning tea, is $35. Children 6-15 years of age are charged $1 per year of their age (eg $6 for a 6-year-old). Let us know if you would like to book on this trip, no advance payment required. We hope to offer a small discount to Branch members.
Rainforest plant identification – short course – 28th-30th November. This 3 day course at Paluma will introduce people to the skills and resources needed to identify rainforest plants. The course is run by the Australian Tropical Herbarium and James Cook University but is open to the public. Course fees will include accommodation and meals. Click here to find out more, and download an information brochure.
Flying-fox workshop – On 26th September I attended a workshop on flying-fox management and community awareness hosted by the City Council. A number of councillors and council staff attended as well as individuals like Ranger Dan and representatives from JCU, NQ Wildlife Care, Charters Towers Council, and us! The workshop was skilfully facilitated to allow friendly discussion of differing views while encouraging a flow of creative and practical ideas. The unusually large presence of Little Reds in the city during the last few months has not been easy to manage and has presented Council staff with unexpected costs and problems. Nonetheless they are maintaining a sensible evidence-based approach and it is important the Branch remains willing to give practical support and advice where possible.
September field trip to Wongaloo/Cromarty was enjoyed by twenty people who squeezed into the Blue Goose bus for a tour conducted by Mark Stoneman. Full report and photos will be posted when time permits.
Stone-curlews in your backyard? Latest in our series What’s in your backyard? features a gorgeous stone-curlew family at Mt Low. Read about it here and look out for more on some closely-observed Mundingburra curlews soon.
September’s climate action day – A number of members attended Townsville’s participation in the global day of action on climate change – some joining the famed “heads-in-the-sand” salute. You can read a nice account with photos on the Green Path blog – click here.
Eliminate dengue project comes to Townsville – Are you interested in taking part in the project aimed at eliminating dengue-carrying mosquitoes in the city? As a first step you could volunteer to have a monitoring trap located on your property. Find out more from this website and pass it on to your friends and neighbours.