Town Common update : the Freshwater Lagoon loop trail

A section of the new trail.


As you will know from previous posts on this site, there have been some interesting developments on the Town Common. The following information and photographs have been received from Marty McLaughlin, the Area Manager for National Parks in our region. We are most grateful to Marty for keeping us regularly updated on what’s happening regarding the new trails on the Common.

Marty reports that the “dry wet season” has meant that the development of the Freshwater Lagoon Loop Trail has progressed faster than expected. Please note that we plan to explore this walk on our next field trip (24 March) – further details to follow. Meanwhile, read Marty’s account below:

The intention is to have the trail open for use on 1 March.  Signs will not be ready and some short sections between Jacana Birdhide and Tegoora Rock will not be gravelled, however we are keen to have people using the trail to help it consolidate while there is some moisture around.  Key points of interest are:

Along the dam wall

  • The Freshwater loop includes a 4km return leg along the existing ‘Lagoon Trail’ to create a 7.8km circuit (from Freshwater Lagoon Carpark – 9km from Pallarenda).
  • 98% of the 3.8km ‘Freshwater Loop’ has been constructed and surfaced with gravel.
  • Designed to be family friendly and suitable for walkers, trail running and easy cycling.
  • Will provide easy access to previously ‘difficult toaccess’ areas for bird watching.
  • Intended to provide year-round access for low impact recreation activities.
  • Bollards to be installed next week to prevent 4WD access.
  • Signage to be upgraded for all of the Cape Pallarenda Trails prior to Easter.

Improved drainage work along Lagoon Trail is scheduled for completion in coming weeks.

For an indication of the route of this trail please see the map included in our post Town Common update, though this does not show the part of the track which now runs from the bird-hide, across the top of the dam wall to Bald Rock. Photos below show the spillway bridge on top of the dam wall (left) and the new bund wall (right)

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