Welcome to our November update – and details of our last walk of the year.
We will visit the recreation area and part of the walking track at Alligator Creek. After many hold-ups in the last 20 months, and a lot of controversy about closing the camping area, QPWS officially re-opened this very popular local park on Tuesday 15 November. Those of us familiar with the old recreation area could be in for some (pleasant?) surprises when we see the new developments!
STOP PRESS: You can read an account of Tuesday’s opening ceremony, with photos, here.
Meeting time: At 9:00 am – allow 20-25 min for the drive from the Abbott St/Bruce Hwy intersection. After a further16.5km, turn right onto Alligator Creek Rd and follow for about 5.5km to reach the National Park, where there is now ample parking. Meeting place: We will meet at the new carpark, near the day-use area amenities block. Transport: Please email us if you can offer someone else a lift, or need a lift yourself.
What to bring: Good shoes for walking on rough tracks (walking poles could be useful for some), morning tea, *WATER*, birding gear, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, and swimmers, if you wish to join the crowd we expect to find wallowing in the cool waters of Alligator Creek again, at last!! Water is quite low but clear.
OUR URBAN TREES – What’s happening? It’s over 12 months since the City Council announced its policy and guidelines for tree management, on which we and a number of our members made submissions. To catch up with what has been happening since then, members of the Tree Advocacy Group and NQ Conservation Council recently met with two Council staff. You can read a summary of this meeting on the NQCC website – click here. While advances in management and protection are slowly being made, there are still concerns that we are are unnecessarily losing some of our beautiful trees for no good reason – or where any problems could have been addressed by less drastic methods.
Latest victim appears to be a 60-year-old Moreton Bay Ash (Corymbia tessellaris) in Horseshoe Bay (pictured) scheduled for removal. Why? It does not obstruct the footpath, street or driveway. What problem does it pose that cannot be addressed in any other way? And what precedent will its removal set for other graceful, shady, life-giving trees on our footpaths.and public spaces? A couple of streets away from me, two of the same trees are in a similar position – will someone decide they should go? Please let TCC know how you feel about our urban trees: contact the Council and cc to Mayor Jenny Hill and your local councillor.
SUBMISSIONS: Making your voice heard. In a time of climate emergency and the sixth extinction, it is still necessary for people to harangue and badger governments which keep allowing further destruction by corporations. That’s why it is important when there is an opportunity for comment before approval is granted, for as many people as possible to do so. Here are two worthy of your attention and action:
Toondah Harbour wetlands: Walker Corporation wants to destroy the Ramsar wetlands at Toondah Harbour for a mega residential and marina development, sacrificing essential habitat for the eastern curlew and other migratory shorebirds. Two major conservation organisations, BirdLife Australia and the Australian Conservation Foundation have guides to making submissions Click on their names above to bring up the information you need. The deadline is 6th December
Impacts of coal and gas: The environment minister Tanya Plibersek has agreed to consider the climate impacts of 18 coal and gas projects awaiting Federal approval, in a case brought by the Environment Council of Central Queensland. Details of how to make a submission by 24th November about any or all 18 projects, whose combined potential emissions should guarantee an eventually uninhabitable world, can be found via this link.
THREE BOOKS WORTH READING: Christmas is approaching and there are few better gifts – for yourself or for others – than a book! This post reviews 3 recent publications – one very local and practical, and two which will enrich your knowledge and increase your fascination with two of our most remarkable and beloved mammals. Follow this link to read more.
SEPTEMBER TRIP REPORT: The report of our October trip is to follow, but click here to read about our wander along the Aplin’s Weir riverbank in September.
NQCC’s ANNUAL TRIVIA NIGHT: This Saturday19th November. Having FUN and raising FUNDS for our Conservation Council. What’s not to like? All details and tickets here.