“The temperature is rising … but we are rising too!” So rang the chant of hundreds of Townsvilleans who rallied on the Strand for the national day of action on climate change last Sunday.
Among the crowd was a goodly number of Townsville Branch members and friends and, after a hasty search for the Branch banner (whose bed was it last stored under?), we made sure that Wildlife Queensland’s name was very much to the fore – even if at times the blustery conditions threatened to make us airborne.
Wendy Tubman and her hard-working team from NQCC and the Youth Climate Coalition put together a great event with expert speakers such as internationally renowned coral ecologist Dr Katharina Fabricius and JCU Professors Simon Robson (Centre for Tropical Biodiversity and Climate Change) and economist Natalie Stoeckl (Cairns Institute). Dr Lynne van Herwerden presented information from Doctors for the Environment and Magnetic Island school student, Saskia Logan, gave a youth perspective and plea.
When I (reluctantly!) agreed to be among those interviewed for Channel 7, I focussed on the impact climate change is having, and will continue to have, on wildlife, ecosystems and habitats, though I don’t know if any of the interviews went to air. Finally, top local band Hallelujah Baby wrapped up the gathering with song before we chanted and marched our way along the beach.
Thanks to all who answered the call to stand up and be counted on this most urgent of issues. Thanks also to Alison and her iPhone for some great pics.